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We all know that having an ugly, funny Christmas sweater on hand is essential for getting through the winter season. Whether you’re looking to earn first place in an ugly sweater contest, attend a themed party or want a flawless icebreaker, finding a sweater that matches your style and sense of humor is an important but often difficult task.
But what exactly transforms an ordinarily tacky sweater into an ugly sweater? We’re usually looking for qualities such as:
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Loud and garish colors that your most embarrassing relative would be proud to rep
The more dangly pieces of dangly flair and bedazzling, the better
It may not make sense, but nobody can ignore it
Puns encouraged
You can always DIY your sweater with plenty of tutorials available, but purchasing one online takes the stress and headache completely out of the equation if you’re not especially crafty. Still, your lack of craftiness may be a pro with this sweater trend, where the uglier your sweater is, the more impressive it becomes. Just hit up your local crafts or dollar store and channel your inner child.
Just like funny Christmas ornaments, there’s a range of hilariously ugly Christmas attire, from sweaters with funny movie quotes to onesies that turn you into a walking, bedazzled Christmas tree. Some shops are trustworthy; others, not so much. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best places to buy ugly Christmas sweaters online in 2022.
From big box stores to smaller businesses focusing on craftsmanship, we’ve rounded up where to buy ugly Christmas sweaters for the ultimate festive fun. Skip the long lines and crowded stores with our top picks below.
This retail giant is the holy grail when it comes to selection. So if you’re looking for a wide range of options or something super specific, look no further than Amazon, which has a funny ugly Christmas sweater for every personality and body type.
For Prime shoppers, you can buy hilarious ugly Christmas sweaters with free shipping and two-day delivery. There are also options for all sensibilities, from slightly tacky to truly WTF.
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Buy Ugly Christmas Sweaters at Amazon
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2. Target RUNNER UP
Target offers adorable options for your entire family. If you don’t have anything specific in mind but want something whimsical and not excessively inappropriate, consider buying an ugly sweater from Target. They have a chuckle-worthy batch of random Christmas, including nods to everyone’s favorite classic holiday movies such as The Grinch, Home Alone and Elf Christmas sweaters. The ugly sweaters from Target are pretty tame and have a loose definition of “ugly,” so if you’re easily embarrassed and don’t want anything too out there, Target is one of the best places to buy ugly Christmas sweaters this holiday season.
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Shop Ugly Christmas Sweaters at Target
Price:Buy Now
Etsy has by far the most uniquely designed ugly Christmas sweaters, and when you click purchase, you’re helping to support small businesses worldwide, which is also something to feel good about. Many of the Etsy sweaters in this category are made-to-order or customizable, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, it’s a good idea to search here instead of your typical big box store.

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